Book title: Stick Man
Author: Julia Donaldson
Recommended reading age: 3-5
Recommended grade level: Pre-K – 3
Print length: 32 pages
Language: English

A wonderful tale, Julia Donaldson’s book, Stickman, talks about the travels and experiences of a stick father, Stickman. This children’s book is filled with adventure and bravery, along with love and courage. From being caught by a dog, to being used for a fireplace, each time his travels bring him farther and farther away from his family tree. And each time, Stickman begins to feel lonely and lost, longing to be back with his family. But when he meets Santa, he joins him for his Christmas run and will eventually find his way back home. Stickman tells of a stick who has to take courageous steps in his adventures to get back to his family. A great story for kids, this tale is definitely worth looking into!